So, its been a very, very busy past few months! Shows and artwork exploration is cropping up everywhere. Literally, my head is spinning! Of course I also know it probably won't stop spinning until after Christmas...and it is only going to get worse between now and then!
On top of that I have been tossing in some rich English and literature experiences through my newest classes. Right now we are working on the Victorian Era in British history and boy, is that interesting! This was the time when women started realizing and speaking up about their place in society. This is when they started demanding things to change, and when changes started to slowly happen. Without these women and their voices, I know I would not be doing the amazing things I am today. Interesting how history truly does reflect in the daily actions we all undertake.
Oh and between the rain showers (I literally felt like building an ark) we've been trying to enjoy our summer together. Camping trips (yes in the rain sometimes), beach visits, playgrounds, the fair, etc. all trying to pull me into the wonderful experiences of having a family and a little girl that loves the great outdoors. I even had the wonderful experience of going to a horse show in Syracuse with that little girl only to find out she might be as horse crazy as I am! Oh happy days here!
Aside from all this busyness, I have been doing a lot of art exploration lately. Resources from all different directions have opened my mind to so many opportunities. Some of those resources I want to share with you. I feel as though my blog has been left alone for long enough, plus I need a bit of accountability. So, within the week I am going to select one of these resources I have discovered (like the Oil Painting with Light or the Energizing your Paintings with Color books) and go through the book with you. It is my plan to do at least one of the painting exercises per week and I will post the process and findings here.
So lets learn together! Lets make great artwork together by studying those that have gone before us. I might also throw in some critiques on different artwork I've discovered along the way! It is my hope that maybe we can all learn how to better understand and better communicate through our art. So stay tuned! Now, just to pick a starting point.....