2014 was a very busy year on a personal level. We welcomed our second daughter into the world on June 26th and needless to say I've been one very busy momma! I mean come on....look at that face! Who can focus on writing a blog when you have that little girl wanting your attention? Yea, not me!
Therefore this blog has not been updated in quite awhile.
2015 is going to change that. I am working on getting my website finalized, (it will be found at ArtisticReflectionsStudio.com when its complete). You will be able to find original paintings and giclee prints (purchasable through the site!) with other potential merchandise in the works. Oh yea, we were talking about the blog and the direction it is going....
Starting in January I have plans to paint one painting per weekday (weekends are for family and school....sorry guys!). Now, I'm not going to just paint all willy nilly, no. Rather I am going to focus on one specific color each month. January is going to be the "color" white (really white is not a color but the lack of color....but we'll get into that later!). So each painting completed in January will focus on the color white and how it works within a composition. Each day will also specialize on a specific theme. What does this mean? Well an example of this is day 4 the theme is "Farm Animals" or day 5 is "western". I am going to post the themes on my website and on my Facebook page so you can all follow along! These themes will fall on the same day each month, so each 4th piece of the month would be "farm animals" and that color of the month. Get it?
There is good reason for this chaotic formula of paintings for the year. Mostly I want to explore colors and push them in directions I haven't before. Yet, I also want to explore different subjects leaving myself options for inspiration to strike! By having themes I have a direction to push my focus without getting bogged down (Farm animals might allow me to play with goats in snow in January and calves in April).
All of these pieces will be listed here as they are completed with a bit of blurb about them. They will also be up for auction within that week on eBay. You'll be able to find them easily with links to the individual auctions at the bottom of each post!
If that is not enough for me to do I will also be looking into various shows and possibly art shows to attend in the next year. 2015 should be a very busy time, though we'd never have it any other way!