Monday, May 25, 2015

Aristotle, Horses and Art

Yes, another school post here. However, this one needs to be read. First, a little bit of Aristotle.
Aristotle's taught that a successful persuasive argument is one that is build on three pillars he calls Ethos, Logos, and Pathos. Ethos is the integrity or ethics of the speaker. Can you trust the speaker?Logos is obviously the logic of the argument. Is the argument based on sound facts? Pathos is the emotional appeal to the audience. What state of mind does the argument put the audience in?
Here is a visual breakdown of it:
Okay, so with that knowledge now, apply this to life. Wait, what? apply some old dude's philosophy to today's techno world? What does Aristotle know about Facebook?
Aristotle didn't know about Facebook, however what he did know about was humans and our thought processes. Daily on Facebook we are bombarded with images and persuasive arguments that are meant to move us. Unfortunately not all of them are worthy of our attention. Coming up soon we'll be seeing tons more. Politics and the Election in 2016 will present us with multiple arguments moving us to vote for one candidate over another. It is our job to look at each one with Aristotle in mind. Is the candidate trustworthy? What is their ethics like? Their character? Can we trust this person? Is their argument based on facts? Is the logic sound? And with that please do not become impassioned by the emotional appeal.
Okay, enough of the Public Service Announcement. Onto the art....with a little more Aristotle!
I found this quote and love it. This right here is what I strive to achieve. I love painting horses and love sharing my passion with you. To me horses are beautiful both on the outside and inside. Yet it is the significance to my life that truly makes them special.

Speaking of significance, here are some of the photos I took at the Breeders Cup Show a couple weeks back. Horse people know that just the smell of the arena alone can soothe one's soul. I am really falling in love with these Saddlebred horses. They have such an eager way of moving and their owners/riders seem so happy! In fact, while I was doing a bit of research on saddleseat shows, this is one of the main characteristics of a good pair, the smile and ease of the rider and the eager, happy look to the horse!

Beautiful isn't it?
I'll leave you with this last word from Aristotle. Choose excellence and strive for it.
Aristotle Memes. 9-20-2013. web. accessed: 5-25-2015
Aristotle Rhetoric. Do It Like Aristotle. web. accessed: 5-25-2015

Friday, May 8, 2015

WIP of next Dressage piece

Okay, maybe not wicked....

Regardless, there is little rest here!

A little light into my life, Serenity (our 3 year old) came down with something Monday night. I have no idea what it was, but it certainly sapped all the energy out of her. Trust me that was one powerful "cold?" since this kid is normally bouncing off the walls. So she starts feeling better after a few days of R and R....and the little one spikes a fever. Joy joy (heavy sarcasm here). Needless to say this momma is a bit worn out and feeling a bit under the weather myself, cause of course I have to get it too!

Regardless, I consider ourselves lucky. Not only do we have a roof over our heads and food in our bellies, but we also have family and in general are in good health. So I'll count our blessings and rest up as much as a momma can.

Enough about the dull drums, onto the art! Yea, I know that is why most of you are here. You want to see pictures of pretty ponies. Hopefully this next piece on the easel will not disappoint!

Meet our next big piece:

This is the sketch after I fixed it. Sometimes it takes a few comparisons to make sure that I have the perspective correct. I then started with his eye.  
This guy is a dark bay so most of the colors I will be using are earth tones. My reference photo is one taken by Karen Duplantis from Fiore Photography. Her original photograph the horse is coming from the left. However, since my Andalusian Templado is already coming from that direction, I wanted this one to come from the right. So I flipped it! Hopefully they will look amazing together. MY goal is to finish this bay by the deadline for the Equine Jubilee in Delaware, Ohio this fall. They will make great entries!
For those that are keeping up with my eBay listings, here is the latest! This is May's Close Encounter. I know I haven't kept up very well with my monthly pieces, but I hope I can get back on track here soon!
I definitely think that the ACEO work is helping with my smaller pieces! This one is a 6x6 on boxed canvas. Though smaller in size, it will still make quite the impression! May's Close Encounter ends on Weds so you have plenty of time to place your bids! The auction starts at the $0.99 bid. Follow the link: for bidding!
Hope everyone is having a great week! My focus is getting a bit more of the bay done and one of the dressage pieces based on the photographs from last weekend. Wish me luck haha!
No Rest for the Wicked meme. Gallery for>No Rest for the Wicked.

Monday, May 4, 2015

SNHU Eng 555 week 1- Significant writing experience first Journal entry for class.....

A significant experience I've had in my formal instruction on writing....hmm.... This is actually a tough one because my focus has not been on my writing. Heck most of the time I rarely believe that my writing is anything special. I really don't believe I am very good at it. So why am I focusing on an English Masters degree? I know crazy isn't it?

I do have to say that I did have one experience that made quite a difference on me through writing. It was actually a poetry contest that I entered when I was 12? 13? essentially young enough to be completely enthusiastic and naïve. I won the contest, or at least won my section of it....I actually don't remember much about the actual contest. What I do remember is the honor they bestowed on me by having me read my poem at a special poetry reading at Muskingum college (the local college) in front of a whole bunch of people.

Fear, you want to talk about scared out of my mind! I'm still not much of a public speaker, though I am not
in fear anymore.
What I did learn though was that any creative endeavor included presentation and speaking with people about my creation. This is something that has carried over into my art career as I present my artwork to others. I have to talk about my creations for people want to know about my art.
So...if I have such little significant writing experiences what am I doing pursuing an English Masters degree? Honestly my interest in English focuses most on the literary aspect. I love reading other's writing. Stories are works of art created from words. Literature allows insights into the soul of a writer just as much as a painting on the wall can. As Freud taught me last class, even a small novel can allow for some of the greatest insights into the author's mind and the reader's.
Art helps us realize our dreams. It gives us an avenue to express that which is subconscious and conscious. Art also allows us to connect with others that also feel and think some of the same things we do.
The more I read the more I want to write. Often I have considered, and am currently constructing, my own series of literary novels. I know I'll definitely have to have an editor and someone to proofread my writing though!
Okay, I believe I may have become sidetracked a bit. However, now you know a bit more about me, the literary lover. Next post here I'll show you guys how my Equine Jubilee piece is coming along! Until next time!
Works Cited:
Frozen Fear collage. Starwished Published 12.30.2013. May 2, 2015. web.
Frozen logo. Disney Frozen movie. 2013. May 2, 2015. web
Sigmund Freud quotes. 2010. May 2, 2015. web

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Empire State Arabian Show

Boy was it a gorgeous day yesterday! I got the wonderful opportunity to attend the Empire State Arabian Show yesterday. Can you say giddy, over-excited female? For that is exactly what I was on my drive down to Syracuse, NY! My first trip to use my camera to photograph horses! Not to mention the day surrounded by horses and away from home for a bit. Felt like a kid on my first field trip!
Unfortunately I'm not sure of the horses' or riders' names. They were doing announcements in the big arena for the other shows, but not the dressage arena. All I know is that I got to see some amazing ladies and their beautiful horses. I think what makes these photos even more special is that this was an Arabian show.

Why does that make it more special to me? Well my first experience with dressage (coincidence that yesterday's trip and my first experience both fell on Derby Saturday) was watching the White Lipizzaner Stallions perform at a racetrack in Cleveland, Ohio. They were amazing! However what really made me breathless was watching the bay Arabian they had with them. The Lipizzaners made the moves look beautiful. The Arabian however was pure poetry in motion. They performed. He danced. Though dressage has always been something warmbloods and baroque breeds seem partial to, I definitely think that the Arabian dressage is where the magic is.
I mean just look at that extended trot! I'm sure there are many dressage riders and judges that know the sport much better than I do and could find the faults in these rides. However, to the less trained and less critical eye, these ladies and their horses were performing a magical dance routine fit for Dancing with The Stars! I honestly can not wait to work on a series of paintings featuring these beautiful horses! So be prepared to see artwork with dancing Arabians in the near future.
On another note, (those that follow me on Facebook might know this already) I am in the process of finishing my Master's degree. The class I am in currently has me working on a journal. The professor enjoys blogs and has encouraged us to share our blogs and our journal entries on our blogs. Because of this learning experience I will have a few "school related" blog posts from time to time in the next couple months. Some of you might enjoy learning a bit more about me. For the rest of you, the artwork and horses will still be here too, I promise! 

Oh and I have yet to show you what I am working on for the Equine Jubilee!! Next post I'll share that one, so come back soon!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

March Rhythm

Here we are again! Remember how I told you I was trying to trick my brain with doing tiny work so that my small work seemed large? Well here is the result. I love how this one came out. When I finished with it I was a little doubtful. Then I took a photo of it (photographing it for it's eBay listing) and realized that hey, it actually came out looking pretty good! The shiny on his hip gave me pause. It wasn't until I took a step back (which is what taking pictures of my paintings often helps me do) that I realized it came together quite nicely. Maybe my magnifying trick with my brain is working too well.....
Here is another example of how my "trick" is starting to effect my "larger" pieces.
This one I am super happy with. The detail is right were I always wanted it. I always imagined something like this only being possible if I were working on a larger scale. Maybe a 16x20 or an 18x22 would have previously given me enough room to capture all the little highlights and shadows of each muscle. Now, I can do capture the detail I love on a canvas the size of an 8x10 (which this is)! I will still be working on larger pieces as time allows. Hopefully this summer I am allowed a few times here and there to work large (cross those fingers!). But now I am not allowing size to dictate what I can and can't do! Why can't an 8x10 be just as much of a show stopper as an 18x22?!
The Appaloosa has been snatched up already, but the paint is still listed on eBay. If this horse needs to become part of your "stable" collection don't forget to place your bid! Follow the link at the bottom of the page for the auction info.
I hope you have enjoyed seeing the fruits of my labors. It is interesting to see how the mind works and how with a bit of maneuvering we can trick ourselves into doing things that previously we thought impossible. I never thought I'd get that much detail into a small painting!
Next time we'll see some of the dressage influences that have benefitted from this more magnified mind's eye!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

ACEO madness!

ACEO you say? What the heck is that? Well it is a little painting the size of a baseball card (2.5 inches by 3.5 inches). ACEOs are collectable art cards.

Now, I have never painted that small before. It was a bit intimidating honestly. However, I felt like I needed to expand my horizons a bit and challenging myself to do something a bit more out of my comfort zone. Why? Okay, here is my reasoning.
Reference Provided  by Holley Underhill

Over the past year I have had millions of ideas buzzing around in my head. Its a curse really. I swear I have what is called an over creative mind, sort of like ADD for creative thinkers. Yes, I know I shouldn't be complaining about having all this inspiration floating around in my head begging me to do something with it. Its just I don't have the time to devote to each and every idea to the magnitude that I want. Most of my ideas involve series of art done on huge canvases that knock your socks off when you walk into the room. When you can only paint one 24x24 canvas every 2-3 months you have to come to the conclusion that the 100 inspirational ideas for 100 24x24 paintings is going to take you forever unless you change your tactics. My dream is one day having my own studio (outside the house) where I can spend 8 hours a day throwing paint at the canvas till all those ideas are out of my head. Till then, I have to do something with these ideas.

Reference provided by Holley Underhill

So.....since it takes me awhile to cover a larger canvas, I needed a way to make my brain think that the smaller canvases I have been using (and which are much easier to transport, cover, paint while sitting in the living room watching the girls) are really "large" works of art. This means getting the detail into these smaller canvases like I want in the larger pieces. So we trick the brain. Frequently work tiny and what before was "small" now becomes large. If I can fit a horse into a little 2.5x3.5 card then I shouldn't have an issue fitting a horse into a 9x12 canvas!

It has definitely made a difference I believe.

Now, what ACEOs have I completed. I posted them here for you to see. The top chestnut paint horse is still up on eBay here: The other two have been sold already. Be on the look out, if you like this idea, for more! I'm definitely going to be working on a few each week.

Reference provided by Colourized Stock on Deviant Art
Next time I'll show you some of my latest "large small" work that has certainly benefitted from this concept.

So what do you think of my idea? Do you like the card concept? Would you consider collecting art in this manner? You can post your thoughts below!

Thanks for joining me on this artistic journey we call life! I could never ride the roller coaster alone, so thanks for being with me!
Until next time....

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Mini paintings!

Mini paintings I say? This isn't a mini painting! Or is it? Actually it is. It measures 3in by 3in and took lots of tiny brushes to paint. See it sits on a little easel...

isn't that just adorable!?

See how tiny?! Now, yes I have a very good reason for doing these besides their cute factor. Last year I chose to set aside much of my larger work because standing at an easel while pregnant and then later with a newborn was simply not something I could do for long. Therefore any larger piece literally took months to finish. With that I decided to just stick with smaller pieces and started my eBay auctions (the year anniversary is in April!). I had thought this was going to be just a temporary thing, but over the course of the year I've found that I actually love the whole eBay auctions and the smaller work!
Though I love doing the smaller pieces I have so many ideas set up for larger canvases. Unfortunately time and storage is still not allowing me to do a lot of the bigger pieces. Sooo...I thought why not make my "larger" works "smaller"? Instead of trying to find the time and space to complete an 18x24 piece of a western horse, paint the western horse in all his glory on a 12x16. This left me with the problem of doing tiny details which I was not sure I could do. Need to do tiny detail? Work on tiny canvases! I found some small canvases, primed them, sketched out some ideas and went to work!
This is completely a psychological thing. By working tiny the "smaller" canvases start to feel large. If  I can paint a fully detailed eye on an ACEO (a 2.5"x3.5") then I should easily be able to paint a detailed eye on an 11x14. Therefore some of those ideas that I felt I had to have a large canvas on are going to actually happen on a smaller scale, with hopefully the same impact!
So be prepared to see those ideas come to life and enjoy some of these "Studio Gems" (and I am calling them for that is what they are....little gems to be treasured). They will also be listed on eBay so be on the look out for some gems to add to your treasure horde!

Friday, March 13, 2015

February's purple Buddies

A flash back to February and our purple focus these sister weanlings are great examples. With one black and the other a chestnut we can easily see where spots of purple can enhance the painting. This was a piece that I simply had to do regardless of the month we were in. Honestly though I thought they were perfect with the purple color, I really wanted to work on my idea for the background. I wanted a background that was a field with trees, but not something highly detailed so as to pull from the horses. I had started with this idea when I worked on the deer in the spring piece. I think it worked well here!
This piece is up for grabs, but only for a couple more hours. I have it up on eBay and the auction ends at 9pm EST. So don't delay in placing your bids!
Next time I'll show you one of my new ideas and my hopes for my newest learning experience!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

March Blue Close Encounter

March here we come! Does this mean Spring is actually going to show up this year!? Yes, I trust the Lord that the seasons will continue and that after winter Spring is coming. However, this winter seemed to drag on forever. When I first moved to Upstate NY I was amazed at how much snow falls here. Literally over night a foot or two can fall and cover the world in a very thick blanket of snow. It certainly makes waking up to a mystery every morning an interesting pastime here. You never know if it will be beautiful, overcast, covered in layers of snow and ice or just simply so stinking cold your nose freezes! My first winter here I wasn't sure whether I was going to like living here or not. The doubts were definitely high. But over the years I've come to enjoy the chance to hibernate during the winter. Hibernation = down time...which means paint time!
Speaking of paint time, lets talk about this paint of a Paint. Yes, according to the photographer of the reference photo: Kimberley Smith, this is actually a tobiano paint horse not an Appaloosa. His coloring though was really really unique! You know how I am with unique looking horses, I just had to paint him! March is the month we focus on the color blue. This guy, his name is Freckles, had such beautiful blue eyes. He definitely fits into our month's color selection don't you think?
The auction for this piece ends tonight at 10pm EST. Interestingly enough the time change affected the times my auctions end. Yep, still learning this whole eBay thing! It has been a great experience and one I definitely intend on continuing!
Remember to follow the link below to place your bids!

Monday, March 2, 2015

February Purple Reflections

I know, its not blue. Still purple in fact. But, I simply had to share this one before someone loses out on bidding on it just because I didn't post it here too. This is one of those pieces that just should not be missed out on. It is our February Reflections piece and isn't he a beauty!? The subject for this piece is a dark bay horse backlit by the sun. Now, I know what you are thinking, Bay? Bays are brown horses, where on earth do you get the color purple from?
Well, as we have been discussing, a horse's coat is not just one solid color. Correction, it is but it isn't. A bay is a horse with a brown body and a black mane and tail. True. However, because of the lighting and the way a horse's coat shines often different subtle colors can be seen. Black horses often show up a range of colors from blue to purple to red to brown. Bay horses can too. This guy, with the sun coming from above and behind him a bit, showed colors of deep mahogany, dark brown, black and a bit of royal purple, followed by highlights of pale blue, lavender and gold. A rainbow of colors! It is with this rainbow of colors that we can make a horse come to life on the canvas.
Our world is filled with subtle uses of color. It takes a bit of practice (which is one reason I have been trying to challenge myself to find these colors throughout the month) but we can eventually see that nothing is simply one solid color. Nothing natural anyways. I'm not sure about you, but I know that through this month's journey I know I have learned a good bit about the uses of the color purple. I definitely think I'll be using more purple in future pieces to enhance and bring to life my paintings!
Next time we'll have to see what fun things I have found for light blues. A new friend Kimberley Smith has shared a number of inspiring photos with some of us fellow artists and I have the perfect one chosen for our Close Encounter for March. It is the eye of Freckles, a tobiano that is so gorgeous and unique!
Remember, February Reflections is on eBay currently so dont' forget to place your bids! This piece is a little larger than some of the others (its a 12x12) and will make quite the addition to anyone's collection.
Until next time!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

February Purple Wildlife and On Wings

So we have officially ending February. With February coming to a close, hopefully, we can actually start looking forward to spring. Hopefully. I know here in Northern NY we really just hope that it stops snowing and that the temperature will officially stay above 0.....above freezing is a lofty goal. But because I am trying to think of spring, I found this little buck standing in a meadow the perfect subject for my wildlife piece for February. The little purple flowers add just the right touch to the orange glow of the sun on the deer. This is one thing I have learned about the color purple. Sometimes just adding in a few small touches can enhance some of the other colors within the painting. Other times purple can just make the subject stand out, like in our On Wings piece for February.

Our On Wings piece stars this beautiful horned owl in flight. One of my DeviantArt buddies EdgedFeathers captured this bird Ulysses in midflight. I thought he was gorgeous! The lavender background certainly sets a mood too. Not only does it compliment the color of his feathers, but it also helps create a story to the piece. Maybe Ulysses is coming home as the sun kisses the sky with colors of light purple, pink and yellow after a long night of hunting. Or maybe he is just setting out to hunt as dusk meets the night leaving the sky tinged with purple tones as the sun sets. Either way, the story is perfect and makes for a great piece, don't you think?
Both of these pieces are (or will be) listed on eBay starting at the $0.99 bid. If you know someone that needs a little reminder of spring or maybe collects owls and should have Ulysses in their collection, don't forget to follow the links at the bottom of each piece and place your bids.
I have a few more pieces from February that I want to share, but I'll probably just pepper them in with the other pieces for March. March starts us on the journey of light blues! Why light blue? Well....March is actually my birth month and I have always loved my birthstone Aquamarine. Because of that I thought that shades of light blue would be perfect for this month's color challenge! So check back to see what I find inspiring about aquamarine!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

February's I can Spot That

Well keeping up with this blog is a lot harder than I thought it might be. However, if we don't ever challenge ourselves we'll never know what we are capable of. So with that, I'll show you want pieces I have not talked about yet for February.
The first one is February's "I can Spot That" painting (reference Shi_stock on Deviant Art). This was my first piece after my week of playing nurse to two little girls that were down with some sort of bug (the littlest one had a fever for almost the whole week and really stressed us out a bit). So honestly I forgot all about the whole purple theme. I really just wanted to get some paint thrown. Therefore this guy is a bit more impressionistic and looser than what I normally do. Some may like it, some may not. To me painting like this helps me just get back into the groove. It is a great relief to not stress about the tiniest details and instead look for the shadows, highlights and presence of color.
If you follow the link you will come to the auction for this appaloosa painting.
The other piece that I did not get to show you is my seasonal piece. The auction for this one is over, but to keep with the themes of the month I wanted to still show it to you.
Obvious purple here! I found this picture (reference Misty of my Heart on Deviant Art) of this pretty chestnut having fun in the snow. Since we are still buried in snow, I don't think we'll ever get out, horses frolicking in the snow seems to be something I still see. They certainly don't seem sick of all this cold and snow. Our purple is clear here in the background and the shadows on the snow.
I could go on and on about these pieces, but the end of the month is swiftly approaching and I have so many more to do and share! Therefore, since the easel is calling, I best answer it.... Till next posting! Stay safe and warm!
Remember, any of these (the seasonal one is over already) are posted on eBay starting at a $0.99 bid. Follow the link above to bid on the Appaloosa!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

February's purple skies

Purple Skies! One of the joys of doing these challenges is that I get to paint and work on things that I've been putting off. When I first started out painting (back when I was a teenager) I used Bob Ross's method to painting with oil paints. Bob Ross was mainly a landscape guy and so that is what I learned first, how to paint landscapes. After awhile though I wanted to do my own thing and started working on different subjects like flowers and animals. However, I never felt like I had "mastered" the art of landscapes either. So occasionally I go back and see what I can do with just the world as it is around me.
This painting is actually of the sun setting in our backyard last spring. My mother in law lives next door, as my daughter and I walked home from her house I snapped a few pictures of the setting sun. I have a few of these sunsets and some sunrises in my reference folders, but this one was perfect for my February challenge in how the sky was pleasantly purple. The sky was one color, the clouds another shade, and the field was all dark too. The purple and the yellow light from the setting sun makes for a very bright and strong impression.
I can't say that I have perfected the art of landscapes, which is why skies are part of my challenge. I want to focus at least one day a month on the art of cloud forming and creating realistic skies so that one day my backgrounds for my horses might include some great skies. Maybe even a sunset or two! We don't improve unless we devote time to it. Maybe one day I'll master the art of long as they have a horse or two in them!
Next piece for February is our Seasonal piece. It may or may not be snowing still where you are, but here we are still laden down with the white stuff. Therefore, we are going to see a winter chestnut horse enjoying his time in the snow. Check in tomorrow to see him!
Remember, most of the paintings here are listed on eBay starting at the $0.99 bid. If you see something that would make a great gift to a friend or family member, or maybe just a special gift to yourself for your own collection, don't forget to follow the link and place your bids!

Monday, February 16, 2015

February Purple On the Farm

I hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend! I know I did. We hibernated (because the temperatures were below zero) and I got to paint a bit.
Speaking of painting, here we are! Working with purple highlights! The last post I showed how I am starting to add in purple to deepen some of the shadows. Now we can see how light lavenders can add some interesting colors and depth as highlights. This horse was perfect for pulling out those purple highlights. So often we see bays as just brown horses with black manes and tails, but in reality their coats can be quite the range of colors. This guy was standing in the morning sun (or maybe it was evening, not sure what time of the day Jin_K Stock captured him) and the light was perfect for revealing a range of color.
Honestly I think this is one thing that I am really attracted to when it comes to art, how light plays with color. This horse is brown, but the way the lighting was during that time his coat actually ranges from yellow to red to purple to dark brown. In a different time of the day or in a different lighting situation (maybe under fluorescents in an arena) this horse might look almost black with how dark his coat might get. Learning to see and work with color to reveal how beautiful life is around us sure is fun!
Next post we get to see how God paints with purple in a beautiful sunset. The colors in the sky during a sunset are often the most vibrant and varied colors. If watching a sunset change the sky a rainbow of colors doesn't inspire the artist inside us all, I'm not sure what ever will!
Remember, each of these paintings are listed on eBay starting at the $0.99 bid. If you see something you simply must have in your collection, just follow the link at the bottom of the post to place your bids!
Stay safe and warm!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Feburary Purple Close Encounter

Valentine's Day is over, and I'm finally getting around to posting this! I'm actually really loving this piece. Some of my other "eye" pieces have not turned out so compelling. One of the reasons I wanted to do these close encounter pieces is to narrow my focus in on one specific spot and see if I can get as much of the detail as I can. When I am working on a larger piece I often get so excited to see it complete that I don't fulfill my own expectations on the detail. Its quite a conundrum because I love doing detailed work, but I also hate waiting to see it complete.
Okay, I know the real question we are all thinking is where is the purple of the month? Alright, maybe you weren't really thinking it, but now you are! Purple is the color of the week, and yes this piece has very minimal purple. However, splashing everything with pretty purple was not really the point of this challenge. Instead I wanted to just add the color and see where the color actually works to enhance my paintings. With this one purple actually is seen more in the shadows. So often artists start out just making shadows with either black or just a darker value of the other colors. But shadows are more than that. They have their own color palette and often purple is one of those colors. With this painting adding a touch or two of purple into the shadows helped define the shadows as different than the black of the pupil. I really wonder if this might be why I enjoy this piece....hmm...
So with a little touch of purple, we can enhance our shadows! A new technique added to my list that I know I will be using more often. I hope you can find some purple in the world around you where you least expect it. Color is all around us, we just have to look for it!
Next post is about how purple can also be used to highlight! Whoa....shadows and highlights?? What can't purple do?! We have the rest of the month to find out.
Remember each of these paintings posted here are listed on eBay starting at the $0.99 bid. Just follow the link at the end of the post to place your bids. This one ends Thursday night at 9pm EST.
Be safe and warm this weekend!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

February's Standing out From the Crowd

This month's focus is the color purple. Purple and horses you say? How could that work without actually painting just fantasy purple horses? Well actually it works because though horses are more earthy tones (browns, tans, etc.) light and shadows reflect different colors. A perfect example of this is with either a white or black horse.
Take our Friesian here. Friesians are solid black horses, yet in the sunlight their coats reflect different colors from blue, brown, gray, red and even purple. Much of the highlights on this guy's back are done in purple. A light lavender or a light blue actually looks more correct than simply using white to make your highlights. Horses are not monochromatic (all one color), rather their coats reflect different colors around them.
This is actually why I chose the color purple for this month. So often I get wrapped up in the earth tones that I forget about the other colors in the rainbow. Depth and light can be created much more realistically by using color. This month I wanted to see what depth and light I could create by using the color purple. Honestly once I started looking for places where purple might be, I found so many great references! Purple as highlights, purple as shadows, purple everywhere! This should definitely be a fun and interesting month of color!
Next on the easel is our Close Encounter for the month. So keep your eyes peeled for more purple!
Remember, all of these pieces I list for the month will also be listed on eBay starting at the $0.99 bid. If there is anything that must be in your collection, just follow the link at the bottom of the page to place you bids!

Friday, February 6, 2015

January Backlog

I had these paintings sketched out for January and with the craziness here around the end of the month, I never got to them! However, these inspirations were simply calling to me to finish them. This little barn owl was practically screaming at me from the easel. When a painting calls, it behooves the artist to answer.

I really can't tell you how much I love this piece. I want to paint him again but on a much larger scale. The colors in the feathers are simply gorgeous. I'm not really much of an owl person, but after seeing the snowy owls around us recently, I am starting to appreciate their appeal. This barn owl I actually got to meet while I was taking my daughter to the Strawberry Festival in Adams, NY. It was a spur of the moment trip for the day just to get out of the house. This "bird guy" was exhibiting some exotic birds (well birds that are not simply a parakeet or a chickadee). He had with him this owl and a red tailed hawk. I had to get some pictures of them, if only to reference some of their beautiful markings. This one just posed so perfectly!

Here I am going on and on about this owl, when really you are wondering where the Appaloosa is that I promised you. Well, I did get the horse done....the rider is still a work in progress. But since I told you I'd be posting it, I am sharing my progress! We'll finish up the rider tonight and get it listed on eBay tomorrow night. It is another one that just had to be finished.

I do occasionally sketch out paintings to do and then get uninspired to finish them. When that happens the sketch is erased and I'll sketch out something else. These two pieces were destined to not be erased. I certainly am a much happier artist when I can complete an inspired piece.

Tonight is sketch night! I've got the references picked out, the canvases prepped and hopefully I can get February's lineup ready to go! Remember, most of the pieces listed on my blog are also listed on eBay. If you see something that simply must be part of your collection (or is needed for a special gift) just follow the link at the bottom to place your bid! The link for tonight is the owl, tomorrow's listing will showcase the Appaloosa!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

February's purple "still life"

We are into February! Which means the color focus has changed! Though I am trying to stick to horses mainly, I am going to work with different colors and this month is purple/lavender!
I know its been a week since I posted last, this whole posting 4-5 times a week commitment is really hard! But I think I can get back on track here now that my class ended (and paper is done) along with relatively healthy kiddos now (they were both under the weather earlier this week). So without further ado, lets get started on the month.
Alright I know, what you are really wanting to know is why is there a painting of a purple pony posted here.  You might have the purple part figured out (I did just say that was the color of the month) but maybe not the pony part. One of my goals for this year is to do a bit more observation of life and paint a bit more without a lot of prep work. I chose to do a still life for each month. January's got pushed to the side, but I'm still going to do one this weekend for it. To keep it fun I thought I'd do toys....and what toys do I have tons of? That is right, ponies! My Little Ponies to be exact. I had quite the collection when I was younger (and even a bit older than I care to admit). I thought they might be fun with all the colors I could play with. I don't get to experiment with bright green, lemon yellow, hot pink and purple all that often.
Now for the artistic reason, flexing those observational skills. Painting from a photo takes a certain set of skills. You have to make a 2-dimensional figure look 3-dimesional on a 2-dimensional surface. Painting from life allows you to work your mind in a different way. You are going 3D to 3D on a 2D surface. Still life pieces allow the artist to experiment with lighting, shadows, reflections, etc. Painting horses from life would be ideal, but at least these ponies don't move!
Also, one of my biggest handicaps (or just different method I suppose) is that I sketch out everything prior to painting. My sketches onto the canvas are done completely by hand and are not immaculately detailed, but they are more of a guide than a blank canvas. I don't want to ever find myself in a position where I am intimidated by that blank canvas. Instead I want to be able to say that I too can conquer that canvas with simply a brush and paint if I desire. Yes, my first horse painting ever was done this way. It took me a whole year to try again because I thought I couldn't paint horses. I don't want to feel like that again.
So this piece was done simply with my brush and paints, observing how the 3D pony looked in the lighting I had set up as my still life for the month. To say I am happy with it would be an understatement! Sometimes you just don't know what you can do until you try....and sometimes try again and again until it happens!
I told you I was going to do that spunky little Appaloosa and I am. In fact he'll be done tonight and ready for posting tomorrow! Till then enjoy my little toy pony piece.
Remember, most of these pieces are listed on eBay starting at the $0.99 bid. If you see something that must be in your collection or you want to start a collection, don't forget to follow the link at the bottom of the page and place your bids!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

January white "Let's Dance"

I told you I was going to post this one today, and so here it is! As an artist we always doubt ourselves and stress about whether what we send out into the world is "good enough". I always have mixed emotions about each one of my paintings. Rarely do I finish a painting and think "OMG it is a masterpiece!". Of course I have to say that I am that way about everything. My paper I submitted to my professor Sunday night I have serious doubts about, yet I'll probably pull at least a B from it.
Actually I have enjoyed posting my pieces on eBay this past 9 months. It has helped me grow as an artist and not stress so much. I can paint what strikes my fancy and see what the world thinks of it. Some times everyone thinks it is a masterpiece, even if I have doubts. Other times I might think its great and the world goes "eh"...though that has only happened twice thus far.
I had doubts about doing this configuration again and whether I could pull it off with a white horse. The reference photo (from SoloPiano on Deviant Art) was of the horse and rider in an arena in the daylight. However, the lighting was such that I thought it might work here. You don't ever know unless you try it! So I did! I think it worked. I definitely think I'll have to do a few more gray/white horses with this lighting though. I really like the effect. It is like a spotlight is put on our two dancers as they go through their motions. What do you think? Do you like it or no?
Next time we have an adorable little Appy jumper. He was seriously just too irresistibly cute!
Remember most of the paintings posted here (the one from yesterday is an exception) are listed on eBay starting at the $0.99 bid. So if your collection is in desperate need for some new horse flesh, or you just love the look of something, don't forget to place your bids! Just follow the link at the bottom of the page.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

On the Easel

No, this one isn't still on the easel. This piece has actually found its home already. However, what is on my easel is a piece very similar to this one! I told you that I was planning on doing a piece focusing on dressage. And the one that I am working on is of a white dressage horse with a similar feel to this one.

I feel like I'm letting you down showing you something that is already done, already home. The beginning of this week has been a bit hectic. We had a late night with the taxes (having your own business certainly makes that a long drawn out process!) and a sick kiddo that didn't/couldn't sleep well. Then of course I have to get the bug too and I feel like I've accomplished nothing thus far this week! So I had to come on here and connect with you. I had some great ideas today, but then realized that I needed to prep more canvas because a piece like this one can't be done on an 8x10 canvas. So, while the canvas is drying I thought I might tell you a bit about why I relate dressage to dancing.

My first experience with dressage was at Thistledown Racetrack in Ohio. It was Kentucky Derby weekend and my parents took us to the track to see a simulcast of the race. In addition to the derby, the White Lipizzaner Stallions were at the track performing! It was honestly one of the best weekends ever! I remember watching as these horses went through their moves. The one that truly caught my eye was a beautiful bay Arabian they had performing with them. The way he moved was simply magic! It looked as though he were dancing across the dirt track; with his mane and tail flowing and his feet was one of the most beautiful sights I've ever beheld. That experience alone instilled the love of dressage. I honestly don't believe I'll ever ride a horse like that, but I can always paint them!

I actually took my husband to a dressage event once. He's not a horse person and so didn't quite have the same experience I did. I on the other hand was instantly thrown back to that racetrack and was watching that Arabian dance once again. I always hope that through my art I can help others experience that magic that I do.

Tomorrow I'll have the white dancing horse done and listed! So come back and check it out! I also have a pretty barn owl and a cute Appaloosa jumper on my to do list.

Friday, January 23, 2015

January White "Babies"

I really should call this piece, A Mother's Love....Oh well! Maybe that will be its "nickname". A few months ago Avitul Timur posted the reference picture for this in the Facebook group Equine Artists. We were allowed to use it in our art, and so, a few months later, here is mine! It took me awhile, but I was only partially inspired until I found this oval canvas. This canvas makes this piece simply spectacular!
This piece is truly special to me. The connection between a mother and her baby is something amazing. I never really understood how someone could love another person with all of their being....until I had my daughters. You might get tired of hearing about them, but I can't help it. They are the reason I do what I do. Every time I feel like I want to just put my art on hold or even feel like I just don't want to paint today, they are the reason I keep at it. I push because I want my daughters to know that dreams exist and can be achieved. That no matter what, they should reach out and grab their dreams with both hands. I want them to be dreamers and to live their lives to the fullest.
I can imagine that this pretty mare is just enjoying the presence of her little one. Protecting her as much as she can at this point in their lives. Giving her both guidance and strength. I've always loved watching mares and foals. The foals are always full of life. Their curiosity and exuberance truly intoxicating. Though their mothers do "play" a bit, more often than not they are the steadfast rocks that are there when the foal trips up. Something scares the baby, it immediately runs to hide behind its mother. She gives her baby security, love, and grace. Truly one of the most magical relationships we ever experience and/or witness.
Next piece on the easel is one of dance. Dressage has always seemed to me to be a choreographed dance between horse and rider. So our next subject "Lets Dance" is one that will show some of these fancy moves and the beautiful partners of horse and rider.
Remember, all of the pieces listed here are listed on eBay at the $0.99 initial bid. If you see something that must be added to your collection, don't forget to follow the link at the bottom and place your bids!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

January White "Seas"

Here, right here....this is my heaven. Well....add in a beautiful horse and I'm literally set forever. It has always been my dream to ride horseback through the waves and along the beach....maybe at dawn as the sun comes up over the ocean, or dusk as it sets. Honestly I blame this on my mother!
Every summer as kids our mom would take us on a vacation. Some years it wasn't a big vacation, maybe a weekend in Lexington and a trip to the Kentucky Horse Park or a day trip to Cedar Point. Other years we went for a week long vacation and many of these were to the ocean. We'd get a beach front hotel room or condo for the week. I remember my mom and I loved sitting out on the little deck to watch as the sun would come up in the morning. The sound of the waves was like a lullaby. Day and night they were always crashing along the surf. Listening to the ocean was like feeling your heart beat. Ever consistent and always there. I miss it terribly.
Which is one reason why I chose one of my subjects for the year to be a monthly painting of the sea. My girls are a bit too young to really remember a vacation, so we will wait to take them. Until then I will remember and dream through my paintings. Maybe I'll even add a horse or two this year!
Next piece on the easel is also close to my heart. It is a mare and foal sharing a tender moment. One that really resonates as I too watch my little girls growing up before my eyes.
Remember, each one of these pieces are listed on eBay starting at the $0.99 bid! If you see something you simply need to add to your collection don't forget to follow the link at the bottom and place your bids!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

January White "Fancy That"

Finally! This piece has actually been waiting to be seen since Monday. We've been on the go and then down with the sickies, so I'm finally getting to tell you about it!
I found this handsome white Andalusian all dressed in his finest and simply had to paint him. I love this headgear! I honestly could see a knight using a beautiful steed like this to rescue a princess from a dragon...or tower....or any peril! I always loved the whole Camelot and King Arthur legend. Some of my favorite books were books about kings, queens, knights and the court. If it would have been more sanitary, I'd have loved living during that period. Alas the lack of indoor plumbing and basic hygiene would have grossed me out too much! Regardless, I would have loved being swept off my feet by a brave knight riding a horse like this. Okay, I'd have been more enamored of the horse than the knight....but still! To be close to such a majestic animal would definitely inspire the artist in me.
Oh and for those that are interested, Monday we went with my mother in law and a handful of the grandkids to the Wild Center in Tupper Lake. It was quite a fun trip, once we got through all the snow. The kids had fun certainly!
This is a picture my mother in law took of the kids looking at fake bear poop (yea gross, but they thought it was cool). I'm holding the baby in the back (that is our little Arianna....she is getting so big!). My daughter, Serenity and her cousins are in the foreground. It was a fun and educational trip!
 Next post we are going to get out of the snow (well we have snow here) and go to the beach! It has been a few years since I have let the sand and surf lull me into a blissful stupor, but the memories remain. There is something just so tranquil about the crash of the waves....
Remember, each of the paintings listed are posted on Ebay starting at a $0.99 bid. If you see something that you like follow the link at the bottom of the page!