Friday, February 6, 2015

January Backlog

I had these paintings sketched out for January and with the craziness here around the end of the month, I never got to them! However, these inspirations were simply calling to me to finish them. This little barn owl was practically screaming at me from the easel. When a painting calls, it behooves the artist to answer.

I really can't tell you how much I love this piece. I want to paint him again but on a much larger scale. The colors in the feathers are simply gorgeous. I'm not really much of an owl person, but after seeing the snowy owls around us recently, I am starting to appreciate their appeal. This barn owl I actually got to meet while I was taking my daughter to the Strawberry Festival in Adams, NY. It was a spur of the moment trip for the day just to get out of the house. This "bird guy" was exhibiting some exotic birds (well birds that are not simply a parakeet or a chickadee). He had with him this owl and a red tailed hawk. I had to get some pictures of them, if only to reference some of their beautiful markings. This one just posed so perfectly!

Here I am going on and on about this owl, when really you are wondering where the Appaloosa is that I promised you. Well, I did get the horse done....the rider is still a work in progress. But since I told you I'd be posting it, I am sharing my progress! We'll finish up the rider tonight and get it listed on eBay tomorrow night. It is another one that just had to be finished.

I do occasionally sketch out paintings to do and then get uninspired to finish them. When that happens the sketch is erased and I'll sketch out something else. These two pieces were destined to not be erased. I certainly am a much happier artist when I can complete an inspired piece.

Tonight is sketch night! I've got the references picked out, the canvases prepped and hopefully I can get February's lineup ready to go! Remember, most of the pieces listed on my blog are also listed on eBay. If you see something that simply must be part of your collection (or is needed for a special gift) just follow the link at the bottom to place your bid! The link for tonight is the owl, tomorrow's listing will showcase the Appaloosa!

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