I told you I was going to post this one today, and so here it is! As an artist we always doubt ourselves and stress about whether what we send out into the world is "good enough". I always have mixed emotions about each one of my paintings. Rarely do I finish a painting and think "OMG it is a masterpiece!". Of course I have to say that I am that way about everything. My paper I submitted to my professor Sunday night I have serious doubts about, yet I'll probably pull at least a B from it.
Actually I have enjoyed posting my pieces on eBay this past 9 months. It has helped me grow as an artist and not stress so much. I can paint what strikes my fancy and see what the world thinks of it. Some times everyone thinks it is a masterpiece, even if I have doubts. Other times I might think its great and the world goes "eh"...though that has only happened twice thus far.
I had doubts about doing this configuration again and whether I could pull it off with a white horse. The reference photo (from SoloPiano on Deviant Art) was of the horse and rider in an arena in the daylight. However, the lighting was such that I thought it might work here. You don't ever know unless you try it! So I did! I think it worked. I definitely think I'll have to do a few more gray/white horses with this lighting though. I really like the effect. It is like a spotlight is put on our two dancers as they go through their motions. What do you think? Do you like it or no?
Next time we have an adorable little Appy jumper. He was seriously just too irresistibly cute!
Remember most of the paintings posted here (the one from yesterday is an exception) are listed on eBay starting at the $0.99 bid. So if your collection is in desperate need for some new horse flesh, or you just love the look of something, don't forget to place your bids! Just follow the link at the bottom of the page.