Sunday, January 18, 2015

January White "Skies"

Free Day! After my understanding that my collectors like horses, which I am all to willing to oblige, I decided that 4 of the 5 paintings done every week will be horse related. The 5th is my free piece! Actually it is a work/learning/practice piece. What? Artists need practice??! Yes, yes we do! I was once told that in order to master anything in art I had to create 100 pieces. I've probably created 100 horse paintings....maybe that is why everyone likes them...hmmm..
Horses I am "mastering"....or at least I'd like to think I am. However, I do want to occasionally add some backgrounds to my paintings. You know, put some horses out in the field with the pretty fall foliage in the background. The bright blue sky making you feel as though you stepped out of this crappy winter weather into a beautiful Indian summer day! This requires some practice on my part to depict those trees and setting correctly so you can really feel the warmth of the sun when you look at it. So on my "free day" I am working on some of those practice pieces to help me create the perfect settings. A few of these will be sky/cloud pieces, some will be just trees or water or snow shadows....whatever I can find that seems interesting and I think I should play with!
This week's piece we are going into the clouds. Since I am playing with the color white, I thought some white clouds and a bright blue sky would be perfect. So, like Bob Ross, I put in some happy little clouds. After playing with my clouds (does that sound dirty?) I thought it looked too plain. Throw a few little birds in there and *poof!* we have a painting! Now, I might be crazy, but I swear this piece reminds me of the eagles on Lord of the Rings. As one collector on Facebook pointed out, they aren't true eagles because their shape is not quite correct (I wasn't going for anything specific, just something to add some fun to these clouds), but I can't help but feel like Frodo and Sam, laying there on the side of Mount Doom watching the eagles fly to them through the clouds. Therefore, I think I'm going to nickname this piece "The Eagles are Coming"! Oh how I love that movie....
Well, enough reminiscing for today. Next time we are going to get fancy! I've got this beautiful Andalusian on the easel with this gorgeous fancy gear. He looks like something out of a medieval knight's tale. Maybe a beautiful steed for a white knight.....*dreamy sigh* Yeah, here we'd love the horse more so than the knight! (Not that we don't appreciate a good knight in shining armor....but a beautiful stallion in shining armor would definitely sweep me off my feet first!) Now I have more title ideas....
Remember, all of these pieces are listed on eBay starting at $0.99. If something does sweep you off your feet remember to place your bid by following the link at the bottom of the page! Till next time!

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