Well keeping up with this blog is a lot harder than I thought it might be. However, if we don't ever challenge ourselves we'll never know what we are capable of. So with that, I'll show you want pieces I have not talked about yet for February.
The first one is February's "I can Spot That" painting (reference Shi_stock on Deviant Art). This was my first piece after my week of playing nurse to two little girls that were down with some sort of bug (the littlest one had a fever for almost the whole week and really stressed us out a bit). So honestly I forgot all about the whole purple theme. I really just wanted to get some paint thrown. Therefore this guy is a bit more impressionistic and looser than what I normally do. Some may like it, some may not. To me painting like this helps me just get back into the groove. It is a great relief to not stress about the tiniest details and instead look for the shadows, highlights and presence of color.
If you follow the link http://www.ebay.com/itm/201295822269?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 you will come to the auction for this appaloosa painting.
The other piece that I did not get to show you is my seasonal piece. The auction for this one is over, but to keep with the themes of the month I wanted to still show it to you.
Obvious purple here! I found this picture (reference Misty of my Heart on Deviant Art) of this pretty chestnut having fun in the snow. Since we are still buried in snow, I don't think we'll ever get out, horses frolicking in the snow seems to be something I still see. They certainly don't seem sick of all this cold and snow. Our purple is clear here in the background and the shadows on the snow.
I could go on and on about these pieces, but the end of the month is swiftly approaching and I have so many more to do and share! Therefore, since the easel is calling, I best answer it.... Till next posting! Stay safe and warm!
Remember, any of these (the seasonal one is over already) are posted on eBay starting at a $0.99 bid. Follow the link above to bid on the Appaloosa!