Monday, March 18, 2013

Challenge day 14

Day 14! Almost halfway through! Okay, so remember yesterday's revelation that the gesso might be the cause for some variances I was unhappy with in some previous paintings? Well this painting was done with the new gesso...and on paper! Which makes me extremely excited for now I can use up all this paper I have sitting around!

Okay so more on a story behind this painting itself, I really am in love with the Friesian horses. They just remind me of knights in shining armor, the black stallion, and all that hair!! I had the privilage to personally meet one of these glorious beasts at Equine Affair in Columbus, Ohio back in 2007. The photos and paintings of these animals really do not do them justice. They are just majestic! Can you tell I'm in love with them? Haha....

Remember all of my paintings I complete as daily paintings will be listed on my Etsy shop or you can contact me through Facebook or email to inquire about your favorites!


  1. I have enjoyed painting on paper with acrylics in the past. You should pick up a variety of papers with different tooth- some really extreme- and play with incorporating the texture they give to paint. Could make for some very visually interesting stuff.

    1. My first experience with paper and oils turned out quite different, but this one worked like I read it could. Will definitely be experimenting more!!
