Tuesday, January 6, 2015

January White "on the Farm"

Painting #4 for the year! Yes, the subject focus is "on the Farm" and what could be more farm like than a bale of hay....sitting in the snow....out in a field.....okay, there could be other more farm like ideas, but I wanted to paint snow. Oh yea, we were supposed to be using white. Well, snow is white....mostly. What is challenging is getting the light and shadows on the white snow correct. Which is what I wanted to play with here.
The reference for this is actually in my back yard. We have a very large field out back that our neighbor uses to cut and bale hay from all summer long. Last winter he didn't move all of the bales out of the field before the snow hit (which honestly I don't blame him since it snowed like crazy early in December). Therefore we had these bales of hay sitting out there all winter covered with snow like little huts, harboring small animals I'm sure. That is probably where the mice came from this winter that are trying to keep me up at night.....hmm....
Anyways! So we have snow and hay bales...toss in a sunset that changes the color of everything and voilà! Another January painting complete.
Tomorrow we are sticking with the snow for a seasonal piece. However, hopefully it excites those horse lovers out there that enjoy horsey art!
Remember, each one of these pieces listed here are available on eBay starting at 9pm EST. If you see something you simply can not live without don't forget to place your bids! Follow the link provided to today's piece: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Nicole-Smith-Artist-Landscape-Winter-snowy-oil-painting-canvas-sunset-trees-hay-/201258630520?

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